Skylark Ranch

Skylark Ranch entrance

Skylark Ranch Recovery Period

Where the mountains meet the sea, that’s where you’ll find Skylark Ranch. This property is located just north of Santa Cruz, and is perfect for exploring beaches, climbing trees, cooking over a campfire, and enjoying the stars.

Skylark Ranch will not be available for rental for some time due to fire damage from the CZU fire. 

Camp Skylark Ranch sustained devastating damage from the 2020 CZU fires. Damage included losing electricity, the destruction of camp structures, and massive tree loss. But Camp Skylark Ranch is slowly recovering. The trees have started fuzzing out, and our work parties of Girl Scouts, volunteers, and staff work hard to remove invasive species and keep the campground free of debris. We continue to work with forest management and rebuilding experts. There are steps we can take now to support that process and make sure Camp Skylark Ranch is ready for what comes next.

Please see our CEO update for more information on the property and how you can help.